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News From the Kingdom
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It was a busy month for Princess Odette with the Mascot Miracles Foundation as they also hosted their Aquarium Night with the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium!

Princess Odette loved talking and taking pictures in front of her themed backdrop with the children with special needs and life threatening illnesses that the Mascot Miracles Foundation serves.


Libra is represented by the symbol of the scales reflecting Librans need for balance in all things.

Librans high value of balance means they are always working to create harmony, peace, and justice in the world.

This does not mean they are always working for the greater good, however. It does mean that they dislike conflict and will develop and use any skills needed to keep the peace, keep everyone happy, and ensure justice as according to them.

These skills often include their charm, intelligence, frankness, and powers of persuasion.

Librans often find that the key to finding this balance they crave is in fostering positive relationships with those closest to them.

Librans are very indecisive as they consider many different opinions and many different perspectives before making their final choice. They consider all consequences as they would rather not make a decision than disturb the delicate balance of peace.

When conflict eventually does arise Librans are one of the the most talented at resolving it. They rely on their charm and wit to diffuse the situation and prefer to just fix the problem themselves.
Rose quartz is a crystal that symbolizes unconditional love. Love for oneself and love for others. Rose quartz could be worn to boost self confidence and encourage stability in relationships.
We think this all sounds just like Number Nine!
Is your birthday in October or do you just like the color pink?
Purchase your October birthstone locket here.
Have you snatched up one of our Limited Edition Swan Princess Silver Coins? These coins were created in commemoration of our 25th anniversary and feature iconic Swan Princess images. This is a collectors item any Swan Princess superfan will be sure to love!
Purchase your own Swan Princess Commemorative Silver Coin here!

Question: Has there been any progress on making a live-action Swan Princess movie?
Answer: There has been little progress in making a Swan Princess live action film as we have yet to find a studio to provide the financial backing. The next steps in this process is to have a script written and then take that to the studios as proof of concept. While we are still hopeful that a live-action film will one day come to fruition, it will be a while until that is possible.

Dear Diary:
It’s time for the Harvest Festival once again, and it’s the return of the Swanderful Magician! There was another magician performing as well called ‘The Black Swan Magician”. She looked almost exactly like me! The audience understandably thought she WAS me from when I performed at the talent show! I attended her show, and she was so nervous she was struggling to do her tricks. She was all over the place, I was so worried for her! I ran back to the castle and put on my own Magician outfit. By the time I got back she was still struggling. I made it onto the stage and whispered a few words of encouragement. We were able to make a great show together and turned the whole festival around! After the curtain dropped, we went back to talk and when she took off her disguise… it was Bridget?! Well, it’s not the first time she pretended to be me but… how? I asked her, and all she did was wink. Looks like there’s still a lot to learn about my lady in waiting.
1 comment
I am not against a live action film but I hope you can find the appropriate actors to play Odette and Prince Derek.