Fan Art Challenge
To all the creative Swan Princess fans, we are having a themed fan art competition and giveaway. We will do multiple challenges and giveaway a prize for each. We will announce a theme for your fan art and a deadline for submissions.
Submit your fan art by email to or by direct message on Instagram @SwanPrincessOfficial.
Your art entries may also be featured on our social media.
After the submission deadline, the winner of fan art theme will be announced and the winner will be offered a prize from the merchandise on our store.
The current theme is the Swan Princess Animals!
Send in your fan art of JeanBob, Speed, Puffin, the Swan, Whizzer, Number 9, or any other animal characters in The Swan Princess series of films.
The deadline for this theme is March 15, 2025.
Happy Creating!
Entries for animal fan art challenge